Home Importance Ants of Nebraska Butterflies of Nebraska Carrion Beetles of Nebraska Tiger Beetles of Nebraska
Butterfly Families County Records Butterfly Larvae Host Plants
Brushfoot Gossamer Skipper
Swallowtail White and Sulpher Woodnymph
Shasta Blue

Plebejus shasta minnehaha - male

Plebejus shasta minnehaha - female



Plebejus shasta minnehaha (Scudder, 1874)
Status: Uncommon local resident
Flight Period(s): There is one early summer flight. In Nebraska it has been found from 24 May – 22 June.
Range: This butterfly is found from southern Alberta south through Colorado and west into central California and Oregon. In Nebraska it has been found in the panhandle as far east as the bluffs south of the Platte River along Highway 27 In Garden County.
Larval Hostplant(s): Astragalus kentrophyta , and possibly Tufted Milkvetch (A. spatulatus)
Overwinter: This species has been reported to be biennial (requiring two years to complete its life cycle) in some higher elevation portions of its range, overwintering the first year as an egg and the second as a nearly fully-grown caterpillar. The overwintering status for this species has not been confirmed in Nebraska where its lowest altitude populations occur.
Commentary/Habitat: Most old data restricted this species to rocky outcroppings in the Pine Ridge. Recent additional records move its range considerably to the east and south of the Pine Ridge where it has been found on “badlands” type hilltops. Their typical habitat is ledges and hilltops of rocky or poor soil nearly devoid of all vegetation with the exception of a few hardy plants of which their hostplants are included. Adults fly within inches of the ground in the vicinity of its hostplants.
Similar Species: Small tailless blues with minimal or no orange on the ventral hindwing include Reakirts’ and Marine Blues.