Home Importance Ants of Nebraska Butterflies of Nebraska Carrion Beetles of Nebraska Tiger Beetles of Nebraska
Butterfly Families County Records Butterfly Larvae Host Plants
Brushfoot Gossamer Skipper
Swallowtail White and Sulpher Woodnymph
Mottled Duskywing
Erynnis martialis



Erynnis martialis (Scudder, [1870])
Status: Rare to uncommon local resident
Flight Period(s): Reported as double brooded except at high altitudes. The first flight should fly in April and early May. Records from Nebraska are from 17 June to 25 July and likely represent the second brood.
Range: Found in the eastern United States, with isolated populations in the Rocky Mountains. In Nebraska it has been found in the Missouri River bluffs, the Pine Ridge, the Niobrara River valley, and at Nebraska National Forest at Halsey.
Larval Hostplant(s): New Jersey tea - Ceanothus americanus
Overwinter: As a full grown caterpillar
Commentary/Habitat: This species is rarely encountered. Multiple records spanning decades would indicate a small but stable population at Nebraska National Forest near Halsey.
Similar Species: E. afranius and E. persius