Home Importance Ants of Nebraska Butterflies of Nebraska Carrion Beetles of Nebraska Tiger Beetles of Nebraska
Butterfly Families County Records Butterfly Larvae Host Plants
Brushfoot Gossamer Skipper
Swallowtail White and Sulpher Woodnymph
Dotted Skipper

Hesperia attalus - male

Hesperia attalus - female



Hesperia attalus (W. H. Edwards, 1871)
Status: Rare resident. There have been no records from Nebraska since 1922.
Flight Period(s): Two flights in Kansas, June to early July, and late August to mid September. Nebraska records were from June 17 – 21.
Range: Found from southern Kansas into Texas and on the east coast from New York to Mississippi. In Nebraska the only records are from Douglas County.
Larval Hostplant(s): Grasses: Bouteloua curtipendula, Pancium virgatum and Aristida species.
Overwinter: Likely as a larvae
Commentary/Habitat: R. A. Leussler (1939) reports this species from Omaha – one female on June 21, 1913 and two females and a male on June 17, 1922. Those records are the northernmost for the central United States population (which normally is not found north of southern Kansas and southwestern Missouri). It should not be expected in the state again.
Similar Species: N/A