Home Importance Ants of Nebraska Butterflies of Nebraska Carrion Beetles of Nebraska Tiger Beetles of Nebraska
Butterfly Families County Records Butterfly Larvae Host Plants
Brushfoot Gossamer Skipper
Swallowtail White and Sulpher Woodnymph
Indra Swallowtail

Papilio indra

Papilio indra - female



Papilio indra (Reakirt, 1866)
Status: Rare to uncommon local resident
Flight Period(s): Double brooded in Nebraska with flight peaking in late May/early June and late July/early August. In Nebraska they have been found as early as 6 May, and have been reported as late as 15 September in South Dakota (Marrone, 2002).
Range: Inhabits mountainous regions of the western United States from northern Washington and Idaho south to southern California and east to extreme western South Dakota and Nebraska. In Nebraska it is restricted to a few Pine Ridge escarpments in extreme western Nebraska.
Larval Hostplant(s): In Nebraska the Indra Swallowtail utilizes Threadleaf Musineon (Musineon tenuifolium).
Overwinter: This species overwinters in the pupal stage.
Commentary/Habitat: In Nebraska Indra Swallowtails inhabit steep canyonlands where females lay eggs on hostplants growing on the side of or atop rocky escarpments. While they are never common, they have been found at Gilbert-Baker Wildlife Management Area and adjacent canyonlands in Sioux County on a regular basis.
Similar Species: None