Home Importance Ants of Nebraska Butterflies of Nebraska Carrion Beetles of Nebraska Tiger Beetles of Nebraska
Butterfly Families County Records Butterfly Larvae Host Plants
Brushfoot Gossamer Skipper
Swallowtail White and Sulpher Woodnymph
Palamedes Swallowtail

Pterourus palamedes

Pterourus palamedes - female



Pterourus palamedes (Drury, 1773)
Status: Very rare stray.
Flight Period(s): Multiple flights through most of the year in the heart of its home range ( Florida).
Range: This swallowtail is a resident in the gulf coast states from eastern Texas to North Carolina. On rare occasions it strays quite some distance. Records from eastern New Mexico, eastern Nebraska and southern New York represent the most far-flung destinations of these excursions.
Larval Hostplant(s): Ornamentals - Spice Bush (Lindera benzoin) and Sassafras (Sassafras species) - represent to only possible hostplants for this species in the state.
Overwinter: This species does not overwinter in Nebraska.
Commentary/Habitat: In its home range the Palamedes Swallowtail is found in and around swampy woods. As a stray in Nebraska it could occur anywhere. There are three eastern Nebraska records from the early 1900’s and a later record from Brown county.
Similar Species: None